我们的故事 Our Story


年轻时,热爱烹饪的张先生,喜欢制作一些糕点给太太和孩子吃。在一次偶然的情况下,一位经营港式茶楼的朋友,让张先生茶楼帮忙,就这样张先生的人生与包点结下不解之缘 。




Frozen Pau and Dim Sum Manufacturer

In his youth, Mr. Tiong, who had a passion for cooking, enjoyed making pastries for his wife and children. In a lucky encounter, a friend who operated a Hong Kong-style teahouse asked Mr. Tiong for assistance. This marked the beginning of an enduring connection between Mr. Tiong and the world of dim sum.

Yant Fatt Bakery was founded in 1991. During the early days, with the help of his family, Mr. Tiong and his family worked side-by-side, pouring their hearts into handcrafting dim sum in their own home. They then hand-delivered them to the nearby market in their small town, symbolizing little tokens of love crafted meticulously.

We have upheld strict standards for ingredients and production processes as a frozen dim sum and pau supplier. Not only that, but we also attentively listened to the feedback from every customer who tasted our original dim sum. These connoisseurs of flavor have become our close partners, passionately endorsing our legendary products as they spread the word far and wide.

Through years of unwavering dedication, much like the gradual refinement of our dim sum, our monthly sales have far exceeded the limitations of handmade production. This is not only a testament to our determination but also an expression of gratitude to every customer who has accompanied us along the way.




Automated Production of Pau and Dim Sum

In 2010, we relocated to a new factory and automated the production of our dim sum while maintaining extremely high-quality standards. We understand deeply that even as our production scale expands, we will never compromise on quality or the original flavor. Therefore, as a supplier of frozen food, we remained dedicated to using fresh ingredients, classic recipes, and traditional techniques to ensure that every piece of dim sum remains as delicious as when we first started.

As time flies, we have continued to innovate and introduce more flavors and varieties to meet the diverse preferences of our customers. Whether it’s the classic pork buns, fresh shrimp dumplings, or some creative new flavors, we are the frozen food supplier committed to offering a wide range of choices for our customers.

dim sum automation

前进 Moving forward


We would like to express our gratitude to our customers who have supported us all the way. Your love and trust have always been our driving force to move forward. As one of the leading wholesale frozen food suppliers, Yant Fatt Bakery will continue to uphold our initial aspiration, maintain quality, and continuously innovate, passing on the deliciousness and warmth to more people. In the future, we will relentlessly pursue higher goals, expand our market, and continue this legacy of delicacy and dedication. Thank you for being with us throughout our journey, and let us move towards a more delicious tomorrow together.
